
Being together


 Sometimes it's hard to be together with your group...so here are some ideas on how to stay in touch with eachother

* play a sport with them like soccer, cheer, volleyball, (etc.)

* go to school clubs

* go to summer camps (click here to find more about camps near you)

* sleepovers

* hangout days (most of them will be on weekends, but they COULD be on a weekday if you want!)

* go on vaca with them...with your parents ok!

* collect together, cards, bugs(fake!),hats, rocks, or anything you can think of!

* have club meetings. swich off bringing snacks and coming up with craft ideas if your group is into things like that!

* One of the most common things that groups want to do together is go shopping together! (this is usually for girls!)

* I, Alaina, and Shelly's fave thing to do is to go to SIX FLAGS GREAT AMERICA together with our dads. SO MUCH FUN!!! :)